Wednesday, December 24, 2008

merry christmas.

remember to spend time with your family. take it all in, because you never know what'll change the next time you all are together : )

merry christmas!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

to my brother

JORDAN CHRISTIAN RIGGS : ). Hello. I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to me. Recently I've been thinking about how much you mean to me. Not seeing you everyday, or even being in a place that is common for both of us, home, it has made me realize how much I actually do miss you. I want you to know that God is doing amazing things in your life and I truly and honestly do believe that you can't even fathom what God is going to do in your life. I find myself talking about you AT LEAST once a day and I can't stop bragging about this new movie you have coming out. You are a genius, like really you are! You've ALWAYS, for as long as I can remember, have had a mind that has thought outside of the box!To this day I will hold memories of you drawing and mom and dad having to talk to you about the "boobs" on your drawings needed to become more realistic. That's another story within itself.
I take every conversation we have to heart, if we talk online I print out every conversation because you're words are that powerful to me. It's taken me awhile to realize how wise of a person you are but now that I know I refuse to take that for granted. It's a gift you have. I tell everyone you are a prophet, and truly I believe that! You words are powerful but your thoughts are even more so. Just to be a fly on the walls of your mind.
One of my greatest memories of you and I would definitely have to be in CT when you would have the ingenious idea to make a zip line across the yard, and ALWAYS have me test it out before you would. Or even at that outdoor pool at the YMCA that mom would make us go to and the water was freezing cold!You never did really like the water, but I did and you stuck it out for me! Hawaii was fun with you as well.I know I scared you to death out in the ocean!! But memories is what we made!

Honestly as weird as it sounds, you are the one that's been there for me every time I have a problem, and you're the first person to call me stupid, and I appreciate it! That's what a best friend is! Therefore making you one of my dearest and bestest friends!!!!!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

home sweet home.

So arriving at on my home on saturday night was a wonderful thing.filled with tears and laughs and jokes and stories, and of course with the riggs family, MEXICAN FOOD.I had been talking to my parents for days and days about the countdown to my arrival and how i wanted things to be the same as i left them, and as i pulled onto the street of which i lived for three years i could catch a glimpse of my house and the lights that my parents (i know now) spent ALL DAY putting up JUST FOR ME. thank you parents : ). My mother believes that i do not appreciate what they did because the house was decorated in a way that it was eligant and classy, which of course is something that you would expect from my mother. To the side of our house we have bushes, and on those bushes were colored lights, NOT GOING WELL WITH THE ELIGANT THEME AT ALL. half of the bush was flashing and the other half of the bush was not, and so i expressed that THAT ONE BUSH WAS "so tacky". My mother was offended, yet continues to share this story on her blog as well as in church on sunday morning. My mother never ceases to amaze me!

One love,

Sunday, December 14, 2008

dorthy's red slippers.

if i had a penny for everytime i wished i could click my heels together when i wanted to come home i would be a very very rich girl. but the day has come, and i am not HOME. i saw all my friends : ) i slept in my own bed and it was great! i'm looking forward to this next month. i'm not too sure i need any other christmas presents it's just going to be good enough to see all my friends and family (especially my brother)

one love,

Saturday, December 13, 2008

airport terminals

as i sit here in the airport waiting for my departing flight to minneaplos where i will then connect to omaha nebraska, where i will then meet up with my parents and take an hour ride home to my house in lincoln nebraska, i think about much it takes for me to gret from one place to another.

i hate traveling.

one love,

Thursday, December 11, 2008


So today i took my last and final exam today and let me tell you...i know that i did not do well, at all : ) but hey i've been sick all week and studying didn't really happen at all yesterday. i had an A in the class all semester so i wasn't too worried about my grade on this last test. my youth min final was the one that i was most worried about and i the test ended up but something that the syllabus said it wasn't. but we all got an email saying that the parts that we didn't know were off the test therefore the tes it easier than i thought and i did better than i though

: )

one love.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So this week has been the worst days of my life. One because I am so close to coming home, and two because I'm sick beyond which you could ever imagine. I've been feeling a little drousy and a little not myself but yeterday is when it all started. I woke up with congestion and then all of a sudden during the day my stomach began to get a little not so okay, and the vomiting began.
I've stayed in my room all day, doing NOTHING but sleep. Being sick away from home is the WORST feeling ever. I would just like to be at home, with my parents & my own bed. Do you know how hard it is to be sick on a twin size bed...not easy

3 Days.
One love,

Monday, December 8, 2008

12 hour study day.

So tomorrow, i guess today now i have the hardest final of the week. YOUTH MIN you would think it would be easy considering it's my major and all, but it's not, its the one i'm most nervous about taking. i started studying today in the lib around 1pm and now it's 1am and i'm offically done. no more can come into my brain, i'm being to forget some things i retained. pray for me, final 9am.

one love,

i'm not sure i want to go to heaven, and i certainly dont want to die.

when i was little, and even now i would get the thought of heaven and how scary of a word that was. i would lay at bed at night just thinking about eternity and what it means to die and what it means to be somewhere forever. the thought would begin with me thinking about my day and realizing that the day was over and i would never get to relive that day, ever again and that it was one step closer to me dying. dont get me wrong, i'm not scared of dying and the thought of being dead is not something that scares me, it's the eternity part. the thought of being somewhere FOREVER is very scary to me and something that eats up my stomach. i remember times when i would run downstairs to my mom crying telling her i didn't want to die, it's not that i didn't want to die it was more like i didn't want to go to heaven, i didn't want to be somwhere forver. it hadn't had that thought in a really long time, well that is until a week ago i when i was laying in bed thinking about the end of the world and my day was over and it would never be back and one day i'm going to be somewhere forever. i'm never going to leave, things are not going to change it's going to be like an ongoing church service FOREVER, just typing about it gets me scared. i know i know, how can i call myself a Christian and yet be scared to go to the one place that we are living to get to go to? how can the thought of being in the presence of God forever be something that scares me, isnt that what i'm living for? YES YES YES!! i know, but it's a problem i have, so i guess i'm asking for prayer. prayer that the thought of being with my king forever will be something comforting, not scary.

i got my first final done today : )
2 more to go

one love,

Friday, December 5, 2008

much needed countdown.


i'm in need of a much needed break.
it's 2:27 in the morning.

dedicated to...EVAN FLORA

So to give ya'll some background as to why I dedicated an entire post a a kid named Evan, who most of you don't even know. Well Evan Flora, one: is one of the strongest Christian males in my life, after my father and my brother. Everything he does is for the Lord and you can just tell that he has a passion for our Father and that just brings a smile to my face. He and I were in the same youth group when I was in middle school, and that was before he became a Christian and just to watch him grow spritual has been a pleasure for me. I moved away to Lincoln Nebraska and honestly it was probably the worst time that I could have ever moved for Evan. All of his friends seemed to be leaving around the same time as I moved; including his girlfriend at the time, my best friend. But that's another story of itself. But anyway, so whenever I need someone to talk to about my spirtual life or someone who will listen to me cry over the phone, THIS IS WHO I CALL. He's like my other brother. So recently this thought has been put into Evan's head that he wants to go into the army. Now I'm all for serving your country and doing what the Lord calls you to do. But the ARMY is a kinda scary word. I mean we are in war and the reality of him going over seas is very likely.

So basically Evan:
I want to say that we have been through so much, you've watched me fall in my faith and you been an aid in getting me back up. I enjoy our conversations and I really appreciate that you are my friend. Although your decision is one that scares me, like always, and you know this, I support you in every decision you make. I will pray that you are able to decern God's voice and what he wants you to do with you life. I love you kiddo : )!!

One love,

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


so it is finally December, and being on campus I can honestly say that my view of Christmas is really changed. I called my house last night & my mom was washing dishes so she gave the phone to my father & we talked about Christmas. One thing ya'll should know about me & Christmas is that I am an absolute FREAK about the holiday. I love decorating the tree, and going to cut down the tree is one of my favorite things to do. Not only because I love real trees and the smell of them & the feeling of them BUT it's a bonding time with my daddy. My mom NEVER wants to go and I also throw a fit about going and so she sends my dad and I to go get it. EVERY YEAR. I love putting up the decorations on the tree. All of them I remember something about them. I'm not going to lie we have the tackiest tree EVER on Christmas, but I love it. The family comes together and we just hang out, there is always Jazz Christmas music playing and my dog (although she won't be around this year). Christmas is just the best holiday ever. Yeah, I"m one of those crazy people that start listening to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving (I'm listening to it now actually) and it's great. I love the lights on trees & i have to have lights on our house i'll throw a fit if we dont. I just have to have things the way they were when I was growing up. Actually I'm alittle embarassed to admit this next part, but even now, just because I've done it every other year I look outside the window on the roofs of other houses and make sure there are now prints on the houses if there has been a snowfall I KNOW I"M A FREAK! this just tells you how much I LOVE the Christmas season.
So anyway I just ranted, I called my parents last night to make sure everything would be in order. THEY WEREN'T! We are not getting a real tree, my mom got this fake tree with pretty ordiments on them now our family ones, and she has no intention of getting a real one. This just reminds me that when I go home, I'm going as a visitor not as a person who lives there...things are going to be different, and different scares me.


Sunday, November 30, 2008


this week was full of COUNTRY! i stayed out with my aunt and uncle who have the two cutest little children alive, although they live in the middle of nowhere. it's cute and a nice place to go but i'm not too sure i would want to live out there. no internet, hardly any phone service unless you stayed still while making a phone call or sending a text message, although THEY LOVE IT! it was good to be around family and just chill out for a couple of days. we left this afternoon at around 12:30 and i just got back...its about LONG car ride. but it was full of interesting conversations, nice naps, and excellent music!car rides with can't beat them.

next stop. nebraska.
12 days.
but first...FINALS.

one love,

Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas List.

From earlier posts ya'll learned that my phone was sat on, and the screen was broken. So the one thing I ask for for Christmas is the new QuickFire in orange!
If it's ordered online, it's cheaper! CHECK IT OUT.

One love,

Sunday, November 23, 2008

youth ministry

So today was the first day in awhile that I loved doing youth ministry. Tonight was the first night that I have actually have begun to have a yearning to do ministry and just hang out and be in the lives of young adults. Today I did the welcome at youth group and it was the funniest things I have ever seen in my entire life. We did a dance off to the berries and cream commercial for starburts and just had a grand ol' time. After the end of both services we just HUNG OUT WITH THE KIDS. Some of the girls realized that the mics were left on from service and there was music playing in the background and we just all gave a little concert to all the people who wanted to listen. It was a great time!! The jam session went on for about 20 minutes, no joke and we just sand praise songs, and had a grand time. After that the Cha Cha slide came on and it drew a whole bunch of people back into the auditorium and we just danced for another 15 minutes, with a new rendition of the CottenEye Joe.
Just being with those kids and being a part of their life's and dancing & singing with them, with no other motive then just to be in their presence is what being in ministry is all about. Afterwards a bunch of the leaders & students went out to Applebees, and if you know CCV you know that's tradition. We just sat and talked about issues & our lives and played hot seat and just were happy to be in the presence of each other. It made me realize that tonight is why I want to go into ministry. For times like this that help me be in the lives of those who need me, that is what ministry is all about.

One love,

Saturday, November 22, 2008

i'll be home.

not next Saturday, or the Saturday, but the Saturday following!


21 DAYS.

one love,

Thursday, November 20, 2008

So, I've been thinking.

There are a lot of things going on back home, that to be honest I'm kinda glad i'm not there for, because it's just things that I dont need my hand in. I have noticed a few things while being away...
One: I've changed.
I think my views about my life and the way that I approach certain issues in my life have changed a great deal! I think that I have changed my motives to why I do things in my life, and when that happens your lifestyle changes. I've also begun to embrace the way I think. Being away from my parents and the friends and basically the life that I've been used to has really made become comfortable in the way I think. I've been challenged a lot and have needed to stand firm in my beliefs.
Two: I really life Nebraska
When I made the move from Pennsylvania to Nebraska I HATED it, and refused to let myself like it there. Now that I'm away I can honestly say that I miss the nice-ness of the people. Walking down the street and smiling & actually getting a smile back, is something that I truely miss.
Three: I miss my brother Jordan
Being away, I actually talk to my brother. Granted it's not everyday or every week but it is frequent, and it's often enough that I realize that I do miss the boy. He is one of the smartest, most creative people I have ever met. He is in the process of making what looks like will be an AMAZING movie, The Gregory Id. He has the biggest mind I probably have ever come into contact with. He is so smart and actually has good advice. He's been trying to share it with me for years but not until recently have I been able to accept it.
Four: Parents are you're world.
It's amazing how independent I have become being away from home. I LOVE YOU PARENTS : )

That's about it.

One love,

&the countdown continues : )

So SOOOOON, 3 weeks & I"m loving it

23 days : )

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


25 DAYS!

Monday, November 17, 2008

stress fracture.

So cheerleading!! Basically we've been stunting like crazy lately and last practice we learned 11 new stunts and put them to cheers, so it's not wonder my wrist has been hurting BEYOND belief! So I thought nothing of it...well it's been 4 days and things have only gotten worse. Tonight I thought that it was about time that i went to see the trainer, and I hate doing that because they always tell me things that I do not want to hear! FRUSTRATING I KNOW! Well basically she thinks I might have a stress fracture in my wrist, and want me to sit out tomorrow FOR OUR FIRST HOME GAME!

Talk about annoying!

One love,

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Just another David Crowder Song, check it out!

But this weekend, I wrote my LAST paper for my youth ministires class, and let me tell you IT FELT GOOOOD! I know longer have to worry about anything in that class except for the final which isn't for awhile, that just makes me excited! This semester is coming to a close, and we only have approximatly 5 more classes of each class I'm taking to end up the semester, and that is excited within itself! I thought that college was going to be the longest thing I would ever have to endure in my entire life! I remember when I was little I couldn't stay away from my mom for a night to spend the night with a friend. The sleep over would always end in a phone call home at about 2 o'clock at night asking for my parents to come and pick me up. So coming to school I was hoping that I would not be doing that! And to be honest, I think I'm doing a DANG GOOD JOB of staying away from home, across the country all by myself!

Okay, I talk about college like I hate it or something, I really don't I LOVE IT! It just gets tiresome after awhile!


27 daysss

One love,

Friday, November 14, 2008

Wholly YOURS!

But the harder I try the more clearly can I feel
The depth of our fall and the weight of it all
And so this might could be the most impossible thing
Your grandness in me making me clean
-David Crowder Band

So the title of this post comes from my all time favorite Christian Praise Band, David Crowder Band. David Crowder knows how to place words into a song and just string things together in order to explain the way I feel in my Christian walk of faith. I recently haven't been listening to him as much, and actually I haven't listened to him in awhile. I just randomly started listening to his album Collsion (which this song is on) and it got me thinking about a lot of things. The songs talk about how we worship God in the greatest of time, and the reality of Jesus' love for us, and the reality of how unstable our love for him is as well. To just read the lyrics above, over and over again you can realize that our fall, whether it be into Jesus or away from Jesus it seems IMPOSSIBLE that God's greatness could make us clean, the most dirty thing in the world.
In class we are learning a lot about the Old Testament and the Promised Land as well as the people of Israel. And the thing that you notice, if you study the scripture, is that so many times the people fall away from God and don't do the things He asks of them, but yet cry out for help, and for a king here on earth. So God gives them that but the king (Saul) does not follow what God is asking him to do, therefore God takes him off the throne. It gets you wondering how many times God would have taken us off the throne in order for us to get the picture that our picture needs to be God's picture.

: )

one love,

alleigh's life.

So recently let's just say that I haven't been working out as much as I would have liked and as the looks of it, I think I'm gaining weight, therefore, I am making a vow to loose 5 POUNDS! I think I can do it and honestly 5 pounds isn't a lot so, on top of the cheerleading practices we have, which by the way are INTESNSE, I will be going to the gym 3 times a week!
Also, schoolwork I must be honest with myself when I say that I haven't really been keeping up with my schoolwork, and that is catching up with me. I'm a little behind in some reading and a lot behind in some reading responses due next week. So this weekend will be catch up with all my work that I'm missing, and from now until Christmas break I'm cranking out some work and buckling down. I think I was getting lazy because I know breaks are coming up but this is when I need to start getting serious!

Pray for me!

29 dayssssss!!!!

One love,

Thursday, November 13, 2008


For anyone that knows me, you know that I'm big on countdowns, and I believe that we are close enough to me coming home that I can start one.
Here we go:

30 DAYS!


mallory & bronte

So yesterday was a day where I basically talked to Mallory A LOT! She called twice,basically we talked for a good amount of time, both times. I couldn't stop talking about the memories her and I share as well as the many things that I'm excited about with the upcoming visit back home (which by the way only 30 more days). It was just a real reminder of how great friends I have waiting for me back home. I began to wish I was home and was surrounded by these amazing people again and I was becoming sad in the fact that no one would ever be able to compare to my friends back in Nebraska. Then I had a conversation with Bronte, where she stated that she hoped that Mallory didn't think that she was trying to take her place, and although that could never happen it got me thinking about some things. Like of course, she can't take her place because there are so many memories that me and Mal share that can't be replayed for even replaced but in a way Bronte is JUST LIKE MALLORY in the sense that we love the Lord and we keep each other accountable for the things we do, and we just like to have fun with each other! I've noticed that I tried too hard to find friends that represent each of my friends back home, but that is IMPOSSIBLE I've recently realize (and I'm upset I didn't realize this earlier). People can't come, they will always be different, but that difference is what makes that person special to my life.

So to my BEST friends Bronte & Mallory, know that I love you both, and I've been blessed to be able to have both of you in my life. you've both shared different things with me, but I just wanted to say that each of those things have made me the person I am today.


To my brother, Jordan!

You are funny.

I dont like to argue, you just like strange music!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I'm making a promise to myself that I'm going to have a good day!

31 days until I'm home.

One love,

Monday, November 10, 2008


"be the change you want to see in the world"

I've always believed the statement with all of my heart and soul, I believe that in order to make the change,you must be the change. At the conference this weekend we learned a lot about Hoops of Hope which is an organization which helps raise money for orphaned kids in Africa and helps medical aid centers for them. For some reson when this was being talked about at the conference it struck my heart as a something I would enjoy doing. And now even being away from the conference I am still thinking about doing it as well.

Just keep me in your prayers so I know where God is leading me!

One love,

Sunday, November 9, 2008

i'm blessed.

So recently I've noticed that God has blessed me with a lot of things in my life, and it's rare that I actually sit down and think of the ways that God has blessed me, and too many times do I sit down and think about the ways God is challenging me in my life.
This weekend I went to the Revolve, Woman of Faith conference with the girls that I coach at the church I attend, and although not directly targeted at me I took away a lot of good things from it. This weekend has been life changing and a little bit of a drama feast. Let's just say that God has blessed me with friends that are willing to listen to me when I have made a mistake and not judge me because of them. I have also been blessed with a mother who loves me, and who has recently become one of my best friends. God has also blessed me with a father that loves me and who cares so much about me that he would do anything for me in order for me not to be hurt. I've been blessed with the opportunity to be able to go to an amazing school and get educated on the things that would help me succeed in the things God wants me to do in life. I've been blessed with a sibling doing amazing things in the world of the arts. He's intelligent and helps me when I have a problem that I don't really know how to deal with on my own. I've been blessed with a church that cares about my well being in my spiritual walk, and a church that I can care about the spiritual walks of others.

The list can go on and on.

God is good.

One love,

Thursday, November 6, 2008

change of subject.

So considering that for the past few posts my blog has been completely invaded by politics, and after the posts and comments I received I'm happy/confused as to why I put my personal thoughts on something so controversal on the world wide web.
Anyway, it is getting closer and closer to the time where I am going to go home, and let me tell you I"m veeeey excited about it. Two days ago I talked to my best friend (Mallory) and her parents and talking to them just made me want to come home more than ever, and I'm not sure why talking to them made me wanted to come home so badly.
This week has been tough. Not just emotionally, but physically and as well. Cheerleading has begun to get tougher and tougher and right now as I'm sitting here writing this, I'm feeling every muscle I used last night at my practice. Life is tough I'll tell you. Yesterday we had the honor to listen to Duffy Robins (speaking in front right now considering I'm in my youth min class) and he talked about weathering the storms that God has given us. I'm telling you God is making many storms for me weather and I knew it was coming because for awhile everything in my life was going GREAT! From experience I know that when things are going great LOOK OUT!

I would ask that you continue to pray for me and these next few weeks, and the Obama and Biden family.

One love,

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

today was an upset.

So being the supporter that I am, I must say that today was a HUGE disappointment. Yes, I am a Democrat, and yes I am proud to be an American, but most of all I am a Christian. Living on campus of a Christian school I am, as you would guess, surrounded by a lot of people that call themselves Christians. And I must say before you are a supporter of any specific party you are a Christian and you need to first and foremost act like it. The statuses on facebook and the comments I've been hearing today have made me sick to the core. I know that I would have been very upset if McCain were to win the presidency but I'm not too sure I would be making the statements that I have been hearing. For example today I was in a class...which is mostly Repulican and today was no different I was attacked and beaten down for statements that I had said. Unacceptable. We need to accept that what has happened in ultimately in God's hand and He is in control. Talking about what "could have been" is not going to change what is. You can't fight the force that created this universe so we need to begin to get united as a country and stand behind what has happened, and stand behind what cannot be changed.
I received this e-mail from a good friend that brought me to tears:
"...when that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, and the LORD will not answer you in that day." God forgive America.

And I'm in tears.. Alleigh. The fact that people are like this hurts me to the core. I don't even know what else to say

Do you really think that God would allow something THIS MAJOR to happen without him having a plan? I dont. So let's have faith my Christian brothers and sisters, times are changing. It's time to accept it, and remember who has caused this change, the one and only Lord Jesus Christ.

one love,


We did it i suppose. This is the first time in a long time that i can honestly say that I am happy to call myself an American. Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States. This is a time in history where I am so happy to say I am alive. This is something that no one would have guessed to happen, and to be honest I'm not too sure that I would even say that I was going to be alive to see the day. I saw the votes when California came in and Obama's votes went up to 284, and it then clicked that number was higher than the needed 270, and he won. I jumped up ran around just screaming WE DID IT! I know I know, I can't vote, but this is the first election that I have actually educated myself in the issues and the outcome that i wanted perserved and life as an American is about to change. I want to say to all the McCain supporters that God has a plan for all of this and even though the outcome has not turned out the way you would have liked, we must realize that God has a plan for all of this. Pray for the safety of the Obama family. That God's arms of protection will be wrapped around them during this time and that they would be out of harms way. I also ask that we continue to pray for our government, because in the end the person that they are answering to is the Lord Jesus Christ, and we can't mess with what he wants to accomplish in our country.

i'm proud to be an american.

one love,

Sunday, November 2, 2008


just vote.
for those of you who keep telling me that I can't say anything about voting, this post is for you! VOTE. Although I cannot vote because I am young I still must say that I am very up to date about the issues that we are facing in this coming election. All over blogs during this past week, and months you have probably read about people decided who they are going to vote for, and why...well I'm here to just tell you to get out there and vote. As a college student I can say that our generation is the generation that matters. I know, I know that is a very bold statement but I must say that it is the truth. Not only are we the future but the future is now. How many of your parents can say that they have seen a African American male running and having a chance at winning the election for president, or even a woman with a VERY HIGH CHANCE of bein elected into office. We are making history and it makes me so angry that I have taken my time to educate myself on the issues and stand for what I believe in yet there are people that could care this. We are the people that this election is happening for. What happens in this election, could and will determine what happens for our future. So matter who you are, or what age you are...GET OUT THERE AND VOTE! It's your future, dont waste it.

One love,

Friday, October 31, 2008


So as some of you may or may not know, the Phillies are the World Series Champions and let me tell you that apparently...that is a HUGE deal around here. I had cheerleading practice the night of the last game for the series title, and all of the girls were going around with perminate marker putting a P and a heart on their hand to rep throughout practice that their hearts were with the Philles. Practice ends and the entire time (except me) run into the weight room to see what the score was, and all I hear are loud cheers and a statement saying "THE PHILLIES WON". At that moment about 5 text messages came in stating the same thing as though I didn't already know. I proceded to walk outside of the gym and all I could hear were loud yells and and chanting coming from the dorms. As the night progress my campus became more and more alive, with riots and cheers and STREAKING! and vomiting (apparently some people were drinking) and just the spirit of the Phillies was alive on campus. It was the funniest, most exciting moment that I've seen on my campus thus far. Today there is a parade in Philly and apparently they are expecting 2 million people to show up at this event. I unfortunatly am not there and actually stayed for classes today, but talk about ridiculous!.

is this what heaven will be like?

One love,

Monday, October 27, 2008

much needed...

So basically these past few weeks have been a bit on the crazy side, and honestly I'm not even sure why. Although we just had midterms which I did great on by the way we are getting ready for finals in a lot of my classes. It is overwhelming because well I just finished writing a 10 page paper due tomorrow and yesterday night I wrote a 5 page paper due today. It's just weird being in college I guess you could say , a lot of work and not a lot of time to do it. Listen to me complaining, I'm so lame, but it's my blog so I'll do what I want.
Well let's seeee what did I do this weekend? Well Friday as all of you read and saw I performed for the first time as a college cheerleader, and I'm not ging to lie...I LOVED IT. Then out of course with some friends, which was fun. Saturday...well like every other Saturday did my homework and hung out with BRONTEE! I dont know why we dont go out on Saturdays but just did laundry, homework, watched movies, and ordered pizza...SOUNDS LIKE THE COLLEGE LIFE eh?

Well my eyes are tired I've been in from of this computer since 6 o'clock...and it's do the math. I just though I'd update everyone before I forgot.

7 weeks & back to nebraska.

: )
one love,

Saturday, October 25, 2008


So yesterday ... it was our first cheerleading perfomance of the year. It was fuuuun. I had missed doing a lot of things that I"m doing for cheerleading now, like stunting and just doing something with a concrete coach that actually cares if you get better or not...HERE IS A VIDEO OF OUR PERFORMANCE

: )

Saturday, October 18, 2008


This weekend has surely been what I have needed. For those of you who know me you know that I am basically best friends with my aunt and uncle! And they live in Virginia...where I was this weekend. They have the CUTEST little children Donovan (5) and Kyla (1) . These children, I call them my own, are what bring joy to me when I need to be happy again. They are just both full of energy and spunk and both have minds of their own. Donovan this weekend, I noticed, although very cute, needs some help when it comes to the listening department. I know, I know, all ya'll who read my blog constantly are SO tired of hearing about how I tie everything I talk about to God, but I'm sorry it's part of who I am and who I am is a child of God and strive to be like Him more and more everyday. So watching Donovan and listening to what he's been told and seeing him not act upon it I was noticing how annoyed and how angry I was getting, not completely at him because he was not listening but I was becoming frustrated in myself because i was afraid that I was not relying the message of what exactly I wanted him to do, correctly. This must be how God feels. Having to repeat himself over and over again, and trying to get us to listen the first time because He knows the consequences if we do not follow through and the last thing He, God the father, wants to do is have to make our lives more difficult then it actually has to be.
And then there is Kyla, who is the happiest baby I have ever seen in my life. She did not cry unless she had woken from her nap, or she fell down, as all babies do. But other than that we played games, as all babies do...peek-a-boo, we sang songs but most importantly we read Goodnight Moon! (Yes mom, you're favorite book) For the first time I realized why my mother loves this book so much. It's like a sentimental moment between you and whoever you are reading it with. With a calming voice, as my mother once did, I read this book to my baby cousin..."goodnight chair, goodnight mush, goodnight little old lady whispering hush..." and as I read that line, I looked into the big eyes of my baby cousin and she smiled as if she knew what was being read to her and she thought that I was the old lady whispering hush. As crazy as that sounds it was at that moment that I realized how precious and how meaningful this little baby that I do not see often means the world to me, and that she is more than just my "baby cousin" to me, she is like a little person that I would do anything for. She is like a little person that I will make time to go out of my way to see and make sure that I am up to date on the happenings of her life. It was at that moment that I realized that this girl was never going to have me out of her life. For the first time I realized that there are so many kids out there just like her that just want someone to love them because no one wants to love them, and it was at this moment that I realized I wanted to be that person to love those children for the rest of my life. YOUTH MINISTRY.

So tomorrow I head back to school, and begin to take in the information that will allow me to love the children that God has planted in my life as well as being able to shed the knowledge of Christ to them as well.

One love,

ps. happy birthday jordan : )

Friday, October 17, 2008

being away from school.

Being away from school for only 2 days now has brought to my attention how much I have begun to rely on the people at school as my family! I miss them all. I miss hanging out with them, and i miss the community of campus actually as weird as that might sound. I have learned and adapted to the fact that these people I've been around for the past 8 weeks are my family. I keep thinking that being at my grandparents is making me miss my actual parents, but it's not, it's making me miss school! I guess I can now say, I'm LOVING school! It's so funny family is who you are around now who is technically your blood.

One love,

Thursday, October 16, 2008

relaxing weekend.

I'm planning on doing absolutely nothing but homework.laundry.and the occasionally nap while I'm here this weekend. This break couldn't have come at a better time. School was getting stressful, cheerleading, although not even at it's peek, was getting frustrating, and I just needed to be around some family.

I saw my children today, Kyla & Donovan. They are so big, and I only haven't seen them in about 8 weeks. My, my, my, how time flies. I'LL BE HOME IN LESS THAN 8 WEEKS!

One love,


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

You are Good.

"Lord you are good and your mercy endures forever,
Lord you are good and your mercy endures forever,
People from every nation and tongue, from generation to generation,
We worship you, hallelujah, hallelujah, We worship you for who you are...
-Israel Houghton (You are Good)

This song is one that keeps playing over and over in my life at the moment. The song has been sung in various church services I've attending, including Chapel today and this previous Sunday at Christ Church of the Valley. We are learning in my bible class, that the bible is written in repition and that is because if God wants us to understand something, he is going to repeat himself. So I think that it is interesting how this song has come up repeatedly in my life. In a Christian lifestyle it is easy for us, as Christians to get caught up in the idea that everything is going to be okay in our lives because we have God on our side. Although this is true, the devil is still alive and well, and too many times do we neglect God during the good times, but we tend to run to God when we are under attack. And I'm not saying do not run to God when you are under attack DO IT, for goodness sake I do, I mean who wouldn't we have the creator of the universe on our side. Although this is all true we need to remember to praise God when things in our lives are going great in our lives. We tend to sing praise and worships songs with lyrics such as :
"I'm trading my sorrows, I'm trading my shame, I'm laying it down for the joy of the Lord."
In this song we are praising God because we are in trama or something bad is going on in our lives at the moment, but if we just praise God for being God. For waking me up in the morning, or even getting a B on a test that I had studied so hard for. GIVE GOD PRAISE WHERE IT'S DUE!
Also, we are all so guilty of seeking God in the troubled times, and then he gets us through it and we forget who brought us through, and we do not give praise where it is due. So that's something I'm going to work out with God, giving him praise where it is due, no matter the situation!

I'm off to Virginia in the morning!

One love,

Monday, October 13, 2008


It's midterms. I had another Bible test today.
I think I did AMAZING!

: )

Sunday, October 12, 2008

the things I have learned.

So first and foremost, I would like to say I had a GREAT weekend with my mother while she was here, and I enjoyed her company a lot. I cried when she left, of course, but I knew I would but I'm very glad that she got to come and see me, even though it was just for a little while.

Her being here brought up a lot of good discussion and I was able to share the things I have been learning in class to her, and get to talk to an outsider of ALL the drama that's been going on at school, and that was good. So thing one I learned: Don't hold things in, because they will eventually build up. Learn how to let things go, by talking to someone, or GET A BLOG : ).

Also, being here with my mother made me realize a lot of things about myself: I have grown up. Not only have a I grown up from when i was little until now, but I mean maturity level I have grown up. This trip was one of the first times that I felt the maturity level of myself heighten, and I'm not really sure why I noticed it then, but I did. I have also realized, and i was telling my mother this earlier, that coming to this school has been the first time that I have understood the phrase "pray without ceasing". Because when you are in the presence of God and you are talking to him always, and relying on him with every decision that you make, and you are praying, and with that you are not ceasing! I love it.

This blog was random.
Thanks mom from coming to visit, I had a blast! : )

One love,

Saturday, October 11, 2008

mommy's here

So this entire weekend my mother is here! And let me tell you I LOVE IT, and I love her. This is one of the first times that I've been away from my parents for an extended amoung of time, and let me tell you, I've learned to love it and hate it all at the same time. But when I saw my mother today, it was a moment where I realized that I hated being away from my family, and I appreciate everything that they did for me while I was at home. I have made friends here, many of which are not even from this country and one of my really good friends parent's actually live in Rwanda. So it's partens weekend and everyone is walking about with their parents and here he is with no one. Yes, he's made lots of friends while being here, and honestly who hasn't, but when you are seeing people with their family, the people that raised them, and the people you grew up with, it is something that you cannot even explain. So tomorrow we are going to New York, and yes I'm talking New York City, to all ya'll who haven't ever been it's going to be amazing, and yes you should be jealous.

The saddest part, is that this weekend is going to eventually end and I will have to wait another two months to see my parents again.

One love,

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Romans 15:5-6

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may gloify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ"
This is the verse that our squad has this year as it scripture verse. Apparently every year one is chosen and this year this happens to be the one that was picked, and laid on the hearts of the coaches and captians to have has the thing we live by during this season. I love this scripture verse because not only is it just great because it's the Lord's but in a way I kind of feel as though it's related to cheerleading. Let's break it down. May the god who gives you endurance and encouragement, I don't know about ya'll put lifting these girls up in the air takes a lot of endurance AND who is the encourager of a sports team...uh hello THE CHEERLEADERS. Then the verse goes on to talk about the spirit of unity. If there's one thing that a team of 14 girls needs ... it's unity. And the big thing around here is praising God with everything you do, that includes cheerleading. We always talk about in cheer how our voices need to sound like one person is yelling the cheer, so with one heard & one mouth we glorify our Lord. I dont know. Maybe it makes sense to ya'll maybe not. I just really like the concept of LOVING GOD with all your heart & in EVERYTHING that you do. I think I'm just going to keeeeeeep saying that over and over and over again until I actually do it.
Early night tonight.
Mom comes tomorrow.
One love,


So things involving my school work are looking up. I got a B on my Western Civilization Midterm as well as a B on the paper that went along with it. I'm beginning to remember what I had started to notice when I first entered school, the praising God can be done with my school work. Somehow I had forgotten that because I was too busy with my social life and figuring out who my friends are, and are going to be. This week I've been getting reminders to keep God first. And that is what I plan on doing.
Well I'm off to service learning for a bit, and I'll be back later. I want to share about the God aspect of cheerleading that I have to know and love.

One love,

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Donald Miller!

So basically I LOVE OBAMA and DONALD MILLER! I think it was an amazing thing to have a man that all of us on campus know and have read his book. Donald Miller brought up the idea and stated a lot of things that Democrats believe and the idea of being Democrat and a Christian. I believe that too many times we are prone to believe that if we are Christian there is no possible way that you can be Democrat as well. I think that Donald put it well. The Republicans were putting a lot of things out there to be against as Christians and it's time that we as Christians are able to for something in our generation. I took a lot of notes and I agreed with a lot of things that were said. At the end of the talk, which I'm sad I didn't get recorded, there was a time for open questions and answers and I'll tell you, it got a little heated. I loved that! I love that we live in a country where we can come together as different people, with different ideas and just talk. talk about agreeing, talk about not agreeing, and just listen to one another. Although I did agree with a lot of the things that were said, it was good to hear things on the other side.
I'm going to try and upload my recording that I did of the question and answer session, although you can't really understand what the questions are, but you can hear the answers. So I encourage ya'll to listen once I get it up. Someone from the McCain campaign is coming as well, and I can't wait to see who it is, and what they have to say

One love,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

cheerleading : )

So today was the first offical day of practice and I must say, everything that I ever did in high school did not prepare me for what is happening on this college squad. We stunted today, and I must say it is the one thing i missed during cheering in high school, because I think it is the most complicated. And now that I honestly think about it, there is no way that we would have stunted at my high school. We were not dedicated enough, nor did we take it seriously enough to actually do what it takes to make and actually stunt work.
I think this is that same with being a Christian. You need to be willing to put in the work, of digging into the word of God, pressing forward in your walk with Jesus in order for things to work out with you relationship with God. It's one thing to stand around in a cheerleading uniform and look pretty, or to just claim the fact that you are a Christian, but its another thing to be in the gym 3 times a week and lifting to get better, or reading your bible staying accountable for your actions and talking to God on a regular basis.
Just a thing to think about.
So being in college we have amazing speakers come to our school so that we get to hear talk about their walks with Jesus. A book that we must read as freshman is Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. And he is coming to talk tomorrow and I get to hear him, I am soooo excited.

I'll definatly let ya'll know how things go.

One love,

a few things i've learned

Here is a littlet thing that I learned since coming to college.

  • The drama will always follow you

For some odd reason it's like drama never goes away. You will ALWAYS have it, it'll just be with different people. No matter how hard you try and stay out of drama, you will always get drawn back in. Even if you move, you'll have drama, not with the same people but you will have drama with the new people you meet no matter how hard you try to keep yourself out of it.

  • Watch what you say

Especially in a SMALL school, there are always people who want to be my enemy. Speak love to people, even if you "hate" them. Talking bad about someone is not going to change the fact that they are who they are, and you are who you are, it just is what it is, so you might as well love them.

  • Get close friends

This is part of my problem, I want to be friends with the world, I want no one to hate me. No one at all, and so i try and be nice to everyone : ) . It's a gift, not a curse. I dont know how to just be friends with a few people, so this is something that I need to learn, becaue not everyone in the world is going to want to be my friend, and i need to learn how to be okay with that.

I miss my few friends in Nebraska.

One love,


Monday, October 6, 2008

wasting time.

So I have a class in about a half hour, so this blog is basically just me wasting time before I go.
It feels like I haven't really been here that long, but my goodness it is ALREADY midterms, I have my first one on Wed. so I hope that goes well.
I was talking to my dad the other day about Christmas and all of us being home, and of my goodness did I realize that everyone will be home for the first time and I dont really know how all of that is going to go. As much as I love my brother whenever he would come home, it would drive me craaaazy. I had just gotten used to the way things were while he was one and then he came back and just as I was getting used to him being around, it was time for him to leave again. My poor parents is all I keep thinking to myself. They have been alone since basically June and now all of a sudden my brother and I will now come home and stir up a few things. It wont be bad, and to be honest I am so excited about going home. I miss all my friends and my doggy (I still can't believe my parents put my other dog to sleep I guess I'll have to learn to love Santana).
My mother will be here this weekend so that should be gooood.

I'll update more later.

One love,

Sunday, October 5, 2008


So the weekend is sloowly coming to an end, and it was a good one. Movie night on Friday and then we just went out on Saturday as girls and had a buuuunch of fun.
One of these days of this weekend, I can't really remember which day all of the days become a blur after awhile, but we went to the mall and my friends wanted to look at Halloween costumes, so I was all for going with them (plus I got some Chik-fil-A out of the deal). So we walked into the store and on one side there were scary mannequins and on the other side there were costumes. We made our way to the side for the "adult costumes". Okay, when was anyone going to tell me that adult costumes meant, dress with as much clothes as possible. These outfits are fiiiiilled with low cut shirts and short skirts, high heels, and fish nets. All I could do while walking through the isles was have my mouth WIDE open and just be amazing at how little fabric was being called a baseball player. I'm pretty sure baseball players were loooong pants and a button up to the neck short sleeve jersey, no heels included.
So why is it that we feel that it is needed to dress like a slut one day out of the year? I asked the girls I was with this question, and the answer was because we have permission. Which my response was from God, but apparently not, we have permission for "culture" or so I was told.
So let me explain why these outfits are inappropriate:

  1. It's October, it is FREEZING outside and you should probably wear more clothes than the ones provided
  2. Some of the outfits you can't even tell who you are trying to be because you need MORE CLOTHES to express it
  3. Why spend 50 dollars on an outfit with less fabric used to make it
  4. 1 Corinthians 6:19 "your body is a temple"

The most important reason is the last, your body is a temple. Use it, and who it, the way that God has made for it to be used and shown.

Just a thing to ponder.

One love.


Friday, October 3, 2008

movie night.

So tonight all of my friends went out to the club, except for my friend Bronte and I. We just sat in her room all night and watched her roommate get ready and go out to the club while we had a little girls night and sat in our PJ's and watched a movie. We got calls about lost ID's and missing money and quite frankly we didn't care because we were content in our little dorm room with our movie.

So let me tell you about Bronte. She is one of the only people so far at campus that I can honestly say that I have been able to feel completely myself around. We've had some deep conversations and some not so deep conversations, and whenever all our other friends are being annoying or what have you, she is who I run to. Bronte's faith is one that I can't put into words. She is a daughter of Christ and you can see that by the way that she lives out her everyday life. She's good to have around in a world where not everyone has the same faith, or displays it the same way you do. We are chapel buddies and attend Wed morning chapels and sing to the Lord one morning we even danced to the Lord. And as I sit here in her room we are talking about God. It's weird every conversation we have together I feel we're having for a reason led by God it helps my growth with the Lord. She argrees with me on almost everything (including the fact the OBAMA is amazing, but neither of us can vote, because I'm too young and because she's from Australia). I can say that this girl has become one of my best friends here on campus, which is what I have been praying for and it's funny because I've known this girl since day one at this school and it just NOW that I'm realizing God has planted her in my life for a reason...

One Love,


Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I made the team !

I am offically an Eastern University Cheerleader. Wow and the trend continues.

One love,


Once and cheerleader, always a cheerleader. At least that's what it seems to be for me. The first night of tryouts were last night & I think they went well. We learned two dance a cheer and a sideline, for those of you who doing cheer your confused by what all of those are, but hey come and watch me cheer sometime and you will find out. Tonight is when we find out if we make the team or not. I'm excited but I won't be disappointed if i dont make it, I mean hey! this is college let's remember. Not only will i have school but cheerleading on top of that, TALK ABOUT BUSY!

I'll keep you posted with the result of what happens. Keep me in your prayers.

One love,

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

just a few photos from the weekend.

Monday, September 29, 2008


so the moment that ya'll have all been waiting for. The great part of my weekend. Well lets just saaay that my favorite rap group (to all of you who don't know I'm a huge fan of underground rap music, meaning the not played on the radio) So one of my favorite groups called The Cool Kids performed for free at this event called College Day on the Parkway. I had the time of my life. I was standing in the third row in the pouring rain just waiting for them to perform. It made me feel connected to my friend Mallory and kind of sad that she didn't get to experience it with me, but it was the highlight of my weekend.
I also appreciated the GREAT conversation I had with this boy that I would have never thought I would have clicked with. My drama and tears just happened to come out at a random and awkward time, but at a good time as well because it gave me the opprotunity not to be scared and open up to this kid who I now consider to be one of my good friends.
This weekend was filled with a lot. I challenge all of you, to live in the moment. If you love something do it, if you get the chance to succeed in something DO IT!

One love,

this weekend.

This weekend was a good and a bad weekend. It had both parts to it, meaning good and bad. First of all let me just get over the bad parts by stating...I HATE DRAMA. And seriously everyone is acting "so high school" to put it in the words of the people who are involved. From now on, don't involve me in your petty little issues, because quite franky I can't handle it. I'm an emotional person within itself and I have my own drama and my own problems to deal with and I don't need your little mess to add to my life. I'm here for you if you need to talk EVER dont hesitate to ask but DONT tell me about something and then expect me to do something about it, I'll give you suggestions as to what I would o but I will not do it for you. Let's just say this weekend was filled with tears and emotional breakdowns because I couldn't not handle it anymore!

Well I have to go to lunch
But just a little to think about before ya'll get to hear about my WONDERFUL parts of my weekend.

One Love,

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

two in one day...I know

So last night, my friend broke my phone.

Yes, cracked screen and all.
Mind you this is the first phone I've actually personally worked for and spent my own money on. PISS ME OFF. Nothing that stupid AT&T can do about it, the phone in still under warranty because it is new but what the heck you can't do anything about it. I HATE THEM. What the heck is warranty for if when something like this happens and you can do a darn thing about it, HUH?!!? makes ZEROOO sense. I hate technology. And I would understand if my phone being broken was actually my fault then maybe I could deal with it and actually face the fact that it had something to do with me and to just cough of the 200 dollars to get it fixed...well it was even my fault. People should watch where they sit before they sit.

this didn't help.

woooah baby

Sooooo sorry it's been awhile since I've posted. Things are really beginning to move around here, with lots of school work and clubs and suuch.
I'm still enjoying school, still feeling homesick but LOVING it all the same
: )
I had my FIRST college exam yesterday, in what started off as the class I hated most but has now become the class I look foward most to attending, The Nature and Meaning of The Old Testament. My teacher is AMAZING, he's crazzzy. A little old man who actually knows what he's talking about and enjoys talking about it. It's gotten to the point where he feels comfortable with us that he jokes with us and we joke with him. The class is held in a little classroom made for about 20 people to fit comfortably, but of course Eastern being the way it is there are at least 40 students in my class. Mind you the room IS NOT air conditioned and it's just always hot but the lessons are so meaningful that I sit through the heat just to learn something new. The homework we have is challenging but honestly I'm beginning to think differently of the Old Testament and what it is trying to say.
Okay, well back to the exam, it was not hard but it was not easy. So basically I don't think I got an A on it but I dont think that I failed either, so for a first test that's not too bad. We'll find out tomorrow what the final grade is. But something far ya'll to ponder:

Using Genesis Chapter 1-11 who is the bible telling us that we are?

Just one of th essay questions that I had to answer.
I want some feedback

: )
One Love,

Friday, September 19, 2008

Service Learning.

Being a freshman here at Eastern University you are required, like high school, to finish 20 hours of community service. I was completely and utterly bummed when I learned this. It was 20 percent of my grade but yet I was not motivated nor did I care about doing some Service Learning hours. We were given a list of areas in which our hours could be completed and were asked to choose three. So I did. And Chester Student Center is where I was placed.
Yesterday was day one. I met were I was suppose to meet, put my ipod on to Nichole Nordeman "Fool For You" and reluctently made my way into Chester Pennsylvania. I had heard a lot about Chester and how it was a very under privilaged area and how we were going to go in and make a difference in the lives of these children.
When we arrived in Chester it was like something I had only seen in movies. On one side of the street there is a plant, kind of like a dump, and from this plant came pillows of smoke and a horrible smell that can not even be described. I was shocked. The houses were all apartment style with no yard. The only yard that was seen was the little patch of grass in the front of these apartments, and kids were playing in these "yards". The streets where narrow just enouh space for our van and another car to sqeeze by if you went 5 MPH. I hope I'm painting and good enough picture for you to understand where I was.
We arrived at the center, which was tucked away behind and church and some apartments and would not have been spotted without me pointed it out. We stepped into this little center and it was empty. Around the corner came a man who we later learned was the head of this center and would basically be out "boss" for the time that we volunteered there. He took us into this little room that was set up like a classroom with about 15 desks that were all different shapes and sizes and began to explain the background of the Chester School District. We came to learn that this district was ranked 534 our of 535 schools, and had only come up this past year. We also learned that the reading capability of and 11th grade student was that of an 8th grader, 60% of students in the district show up for school on a given day and 40% of the students are MIA for the time that they are suppose to be at school. These kids aren't allowed to bring textbooks home (I found that to be shocking) and if they do receive homework it is on a piece of paper with 5 problems on it.
My job for this semester is to help tutor the kids while spending time with them and making relationships with these children. We are with them from 3:30 to 5:30 every Thursday but the center is open Monday-Thursday. I left that place with a heart yearning for these children and praying for their future as well as their well being and I hadn't even met any of the kids yet I had just gone to orientation and learned about what I would be doing.
I believe that God has called us all to be servants, He himself made himself the very least and washed his disciples feet. The lowest of the low were suppose to do this job but Jesus, the king ot kings, and creator of the universe, made himself the least and washed feet.
We are called to do this, to serve in any way possible. I seat here now and I can not wait until next Thursday where I will meet these kids that I have learned and prayed for.

Sorry this one was so long.

One love,

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

who would have thought.

So I'm not sure why, but this past week into this week I have been feeling a little bit on the homesick side. I know I'm a dork. Although I'm pleased to say that there has not been one tear shed, I thought I would be doing worse than I actually am. I think it's just the fact that I'm tired of seeing the same people all the time, and I'm tired of the school work. It seems like everyday is the same thing over and over again, which I guess it would be if I were in Nebraska but it would be with more familiar people. Although I am making wonderful friends I haven't yet found that one person to run to and explain all my problem...I'll say...I haven't found "my Mallory". (for those of you who know my friendship with her you, you understand what I mean)

So for all of you who are praying out there, that is one thing that I would ask that you keep that on the top of your prayer list. That hopefully soon, I will find a Christian friend who is supportive here on campus, I can't keep driving to Collegeville to get some Christian support.

Hope all is well.

One love,

alleigh <3

Sunday, September 14, 2008

back in the swing of things.

This weekend I didn't stay on campus, it was about time that I got out of here, change of scenery and everything. I stayed with some old friends and went to church and then spent the day with a bunch of guys. It was one of the best days I've had in a long time. These friends are people that aren't scared to ask the tough questions. They are people that push you to the edge and will not stop until you give them a straight answer and stop trying to hide what is the truth. I had forgotten about these friends.
I was in the hot seat. Questions being thrown around like balls of fire, and to be honest at first I felt a little awkward and was a little scared, only because this had not happened to me for about 3 years. Honesty, I had to keep reminding myself, honesty is the only way that you can help this get done quicker. And then I began to think, I loved what was happening to me at that moment. I loved the feeling of people, not just any people but Christian people call me out on things that concerned them and that they had seen in my life over the past few years that worried them. It has been a while since I felt as though anyone cared about my spiritual life and made me tell the truth about things. For a while I had gotten used to burying things and just leaving them there and just letting them go and I knew that these things would not be talked about ever again. The fact that these people cared about me, cared about me enough to make me feel sooo awkward but yet so loved at the same time.

So I call every Christian to call me out on things. If you see something in my life not God me out on it. It is my goal to be a woman of God, and to live like it everyday no matter what I'm doing, or who I'm around. That is what we as Christians are called to do.

One Love,
alleigh <3

dedicated to:
John Noonan, Evan Flora & Mikey G.

Friday, September 12, 2008

between a rock and a hard place.

College has brought many challenges. Some of which I could handle. Some of which I couldn't. Let's just say, today has been an example of life not always being easy. When I lived in Nebraska, I would attend parties but when a feeling of "you need to leave" came about, it was always time for us to go. Never once was I caught in a situation where I was stuck somewhere. It has not been until college that all of these troubles have been happening. It's like when I'm feeling so right with the Lord and so holy something bad always goes wrong.
So the moral of all of this is, when you think your life is great and you have everything together, look around, because Satan is just ready to mix things up for a little change. It's during the time that you are struggling with God that you feel the strongest, which is why you should praise God in the storms. Because you already have stuff going on in your life so what could Satan possibly do to ruin it more?
Remember that God is around all the time, Satan is present when things are going good. Difficult to understand...but true.

I know.
but deal.

One Love,
alleigh <3

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Oh my goodness. For those of you who do not know...that is my roommate Jackie! We had an amazing jam session tonight. I came back from a choir practice and i was just in a gospel music mood and I found out that the song Days of Elijah (yes thats right all of you FBC people) is her mother's favorite song. So we played it and there is a gospel version. We are currently listening to Hairspray I LOVE HER.

I'll talk more later. Just enjoy this video for a bit.

It's funny : )

One love (sorry Evan, I promise I didn't steal it)

Alleigh <3

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

community,unity, is becoming one.

At Eastern today, or I should say all Weds. are a days where you basically are with the Lord. Here at school we have visitation hours (so for those who are worried about my boy craziness, worry no longer). Today is the day where we have no visitation and we are just to be with the girls on our hall. It's also the day of chapel and a day where we meet with our hall in Grow Groups.
Tonight was the third meeting but for some reason tonight was the best night so far. These Grow Groups are made so that we are feeling as though we are living in a community. It is usally surrounding by scripture or in an open forum discussion about whatever it is that is going on in our lives at that moment in time. Tonight we just played silly games. People at FBC you would enjoy this game, remind me to teach it to ya'll when I come back for the holidays.
So after oming back to my room and thinking about that great community that I prayed about being involved in and I'm finally here I realized that these girls are my family. That on the rainy days (which there have been a lot of, I had forgotten about hurricanes on the coasts) they are going to be the ones that occupy my time. So today I thank God that I have been placed in a comfortable community that I want to open up with my issues I'm going through.

Just to shoot out a few prayer requests...
My first "college exam" is in exactly one week, so I pray that my studying and late night pay off.
Eric that attends UNL for strong health while he's in the hospital
Decisions on what to be involved in during college for myself.

at times like this when my roommate is sleeping, I can't sleep and I'm just bored out of my mind, it gets a bit lonely. SEND ME AN E-MAIL

One Love,
alleigh <3

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

honor God...through everything.

Hello Everyone!

I'm so excited that I'm starting this. I must be honest, in Nebraska people don't blog but I'm back on the east coast and apparently it's the thing to do. Also, my mother is doing it and I can't have my mother doing things with technology that I'm not doing. : )
So basically a lot of new things have been happening in my life lately. I've moved back to Pennsylvania and going to Eastern University to study youth ministries. And I must say, I might have only been in school for three weeks so far but this is hard. Trying to maintain your social life but living for God at the same time, you have to be careful who you hang out with. I've made some amazing friends though, and I'm so happy that I'm here, I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll post some pictures eventually. : )

So in this blog I would like to talk about the teaching style they have here at Eastern, it's honestly like something I've never experienced before. I come out of my classes, every single one of them just loving God and feeling closer and closer to Him. Going into my history class and learning about how certain history affected the church is something that pushes me in my faith. This school is more about expanding your mind, it's about expanding your faith. As I was doing some homework tonight I came acorss a reading that really drew my attention and has got me thinking hard about the concept of honoring God in my studies. The bible says that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. I never really thought of th concept of honoring God through my mind as honoring him through the things I learned. I mean it's like looking at his earth and the things in it and the concepts and laws and everything He has created and saying you are worthy to research because you are made by God. So that is my goal for this semester, to dig deep into the world and everything that God has placed on it and the knowledge he has given people to give me and honor him through my studies.

I'm doing well here. For the first time I walked into my dorm after classes today and felt like I was coming "home"
Nebraskans...I'll see you in thirteen weeks.

Look out, much more to come.

One love.
alleigh <3