Wednesday, December 17, 2008

to my brother

JORDAN CHRISTIAN RIGGS : ). Hello. I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to me. Recently I've been thinking about how much you mean to me. Not seeing you everyday, or even being in a place that is common for both of us, home, it has made me realize how much I actually do miss you. I want you to know that God is doing amazing things in your life and I truly and honestly do believe that you can't even fathom what God is going to do in your life. I find myself talking about you AT LEAST once a day and I can't stop bragging about this new movie you have coming out. You are a genius, like really you are! You've ALWAYS, for as long as I can remember, have had a mind that has thought outside of the box!To this day I will hold memories of you drawing and mom and dad having to talk to you about the "boobs" on your drawings needed to become more realistic. That's another story within itself.
I take every conversation we have to heart, if we talk online I print out every conversation because you're words are that powerful to me. It's taken me awhile to realize how wise of a person you are but now that I know I refuse to take that for granted. It's a gift you have. I tell everyone you are a prophet, and truly I believe that! You words are powerful but your thoughts are even more so. Just to be a fly on the walls of your mind.
One of my greatest memories of you and I would definitely have to be in CT when you would have the ingenious idea to make a zip line across the yard, and ALWAYS have me test it out before you would. Or even at that outdoor pool at the YMCA that mom would make us go to and the water was freezing cold!You never did really like the water, but I did and you stuck it out for me! Hawaii was fun with you as well.I know I scared you to death out in the ocean!! But memories is what we made!

Honestly as weird as it sounds, you are the one that's been there for me every time I have a problem, and you're the first person to call me stupid, and I appreciate it! That's what a best friend is! Therefore making you one of my dearest and bestest friends!!!!!
