Friday, January 9, 2009

new years resolution

So I head back to school, officially tomorrow because it being 12 oclock it is now Saturday! I'm pretty excited about it actually, I'm a dork and I've always loved new things especially when it came to school. Getting new folders and new notebooks with pens and just planning out a new routine with new classes, and this semester is no different. I'm pretty excitd to start my new classes and I'm pretty sure that I am going to kick butt with the upcoming semester. I'm excited to push myself to new limits so that I can reach the goal I have set for myself. This semester I'm hoping will be a lot different. I wont have to worry about making new friends or even getting my feet on solid ground because all of that is already done and now all I have to worry about is keeping my feet planted and that struggle is one that to be honest I am looking forward to. It'll be a long semester with one spring break (where I will hopefully be in New York City with some friends!) and then back here for the summer. It was hard for me to decide what I was actually going to do this summer for a job, or possibly and internship and that is what I had been praying about a lot this break is what God wanted me to do for this summer, and the the opprotunity to nanny for a family that I babysat for a lot this break had come up and it was like a God thing so I think thats what I'm planning on doing, with a bit of traveling here and there I hope. Next summer I expect to be my big summer of traveling and seeing new and exciting places. This summer I'll be at home, with friends and missing some friends but feeling confident in doing what God wants for me : )

One love,