Tuesday, May 12, 2009

freshman to sophmore

So, I wasn't going to tell anyone this up front but I must say that this past semester I was a little nervous about the finals that I took which in the ends made me a little nervous about the final grades that I would receive in my classes. This of course has nothing to do with the fact that I took my finals with a concussion as which went along with some short term memory loss, but that is besides the point. Today, as I pulled of the page online to check my grades my stomach began to do some flips and turns of it's own as I slowly but surely entered the password that would show me my grades. Low and behold, I didn't wonderfully! I did even better than I did last semester and I will not lie when I say that I am proud of myself!
I would first like to thank all of you who have prayed for me with this new school year, and basically my new life. It was much needed and from the looks of it I made my way through, I am no longer a freshman in college! Thank you so much for the time and effort that you put into praying for me and my school work as well as the little phone calls that some of you have made to me as well!
So what's up for the summer?! WORKING!! and honestly I can say I'm very excited about that, poor college student needs to make some money!

I'll keep you all posted I am sure!
One love,


Deidra said...

Congratulations! I never doubted for a minute. Not once.