Wednesday, December 3, 2008


so it is finally December, and being on campus I can honestly say that my view of Christmas is really changed. I called my house last night & my mom was washing dishes so she gave the phone to my father & we talked about Christmas. One thing ya'll should know about me & Christmas is that I am an absolute FREAK about the holiday. I love decorating the tree, and going to cut down the tree is one of my favorite things to do. Not only because I love real trees and the smell of them & the feeling of them BUT it's a bonding time with my daddy. My mom NEVER wants to go and I also throw a fit about going and so she sends my dad and I to go get it. EVERY YEAR. I love putting up the decorations on the tree. All of them I remember something about them. I'm not going to lie we have the tackiest tree EVER on Christmas, but I love it. The family comes together and we just hang out, there is always Jazz Christmas music playing and my dog (although she won't be around this year). Christmas is just the best holiday ever. Yeah, I"m one of those crazy people that start listening to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving (I'm listening to it now actually) and it's great. I love the lights on trees & i have to have lights on our house i'll throw a fit if we dont. I just have to have things the way they were when I was growing up. Actually I'm alittle embarassed to admit this next part, but even now, just because I've done it every other year I look outside the window on the roofs of other houses and make sure there are now prints on the houses if there has been a snowfall I KNOW I"M A FREAK! this just tells you how much I LOVE the Christmas season.
So anyway I just ranted, I called my parents last night to make sure everything would be in order. THEY WEREN'T! We are not getting a real tree, my mom got this fake tree with pretty ordiments on them now our family ones, and she has no intention of getting a real one. This just reminds me that when I go home, I'm going as a visitor not as a person who lives there...things are going to be different, and different scares me.



Deidra said...

Don't be skerred. ; )

Tina said...

I did the same thing as your mom a few years ago.
After many years of having a real tree, we bought a pre lit fake one. I thought I'd miss the smell, but I don't. Also, I don't miss the ridiculous amount of needles that I had to vacuum up daily. I don't miss the frustration of putting the lights on and making sure I got every ornament off before throwing the tree away every year. I also don't miss the three years, we have made up for the cost of the fake tree. Also, I never liked the idea of cutting down a perfectly good tree just to enjoy for a few weeks.
Maybe I'm just old but I LOVE the fake tree!
I hope you have a wonderful time at home with your family, despite the tree situation! :)

Unknown said...

Never be afraid to come home. So, get over here!