Sunday, September 14, 2008

back in the swing of things.

This weekend I didn't stay on campus, it was about time that I got out of here, change of scenery and everything. I stayed with some old friends and went to church and then spent the day with a bunch of guys. It was one of the best days I've had in a long time. These friends are people that aren't scared to ask the tough questions. They are people that push you to the edge and will not stop until you give them a straight answer and stop trying to hide what is the truth. I had forgotten about these friends.
I was in the hot seat. Questions being thrown around like balls of fire, and to be honest at first I felt a little awkward and was a little scared, only because this had not happened to me for about 3 years. Honesty, I had to keep reminding myself, honesty is the only way that you can help this get done quicker. And then I began to think, I loved what was happening to me at that moment. I loved the feeling of people, not just any people but Christian people call me out on things that concerned them and that they had seen in my life over the past few years that worried them. It has been a while since I felt as though anyone cared about my spiritual life and made me tell the truth about things. For a while I had gotten used to burying things and just leaving them there and just letting them go and I knew that these things would not be talked about ever again. The fact that these people cared about me, cared about me enough to make me feel sooo awkward but yet so loved at the same time.

So I call every Christian to call me out on things. If you see something in my life not God me out on it. It is my goal to be a woman of God, and to live like it everyday no matter what I'm doing, or who I'm around. That is what we as Christians are called to do.

One Love,
alleigh <3

dedicated to:
John Noonan, Evan Flora & Mikey G.