If asked what my favorite time of year is, the answer would probably be 'sometime in the middle of November and January'...basically I love the Holiday season. (Good thing my roommate feels the same way, we have a decorated tree in our room right now and I'm sure when we return to school we'll be listening to some traditional Christmas music!) I just love how everyone acts around the holiday season. We are extremely happy for no reason and not only that, but we LOVE to share. Never once have I seen people in more of a giving spirit than I do around the Holiday seasons. You have the traditional Angel Tree presents that you can buy or you have people willingly taking requests on what to buy for each other for that one special day! (Please sensor if you still believe in Santa!) The Holiday Season is the best time of year. I know what some people are thinking, "But you haven't mentioned that 'Jesus is the reason for the season'". I know I know, but isn't that just something that is given? Isn't Jesus the reason for the day?!
So I challenge you, make this your New Years Resolution...don't leave Jesus on Christmas; and don't leave the joy there either! Carry it with you throughout the entire year; there's no reason that cold weather, and presents should make us more happy than any other day of the year!
What is your favorite Holiday memory?
Happy Holidays!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Holidays!
Posted by alleigh at 7:23 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Search//journeypa.tv
All Christians out there who have been through this whole 'finding a church' thing you know...it's not easy.
Being a pastor's daughter I never had to do 'the search'; except for one time when my Dad wasn't pastoring, we found the most amazing church to attend and we loved it; but that's besides the point! Anyway, so searching for a church...yes! it is one of the most essential things in your Christian faith. You need to find a church that will accommodate your needs, worship the way you like, teach the things you believe, and provide an opportunity to grow! All of these things in one place is a hard thing to find.
This Summer being home I found an amazing church to attend with all of those things and more! You could only imagine how scared I was to have to 'start the search' all over again. A family friend introduced me to this church, here at school, that a few of my friends and I decided to try out, Journey Church. Sounds like some type of clothing store (please see stuffchristianslike.net; churches that sound like clothing stores is one of them...hilarious website), but clothing store or not this church is amazing! The people are real and the services are authentic!
Journey Church is filled with people who love the Lord and just want to share the love of Christ with those who are lost. They know that they are broken and they know that the only way to be fixed is through Christ and that price is already paid for them. This is what I believe is truth, and I thank God for providing me this church to worship in and grow into a deeper relationship with Him.
Posted by alleigh at 7:47 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
UPDATE//school, church, friends, life etc.
Recently a lot has been going on in my life, and when I say a lot, you truely have no idea. Since the last time I wrote I've moved into the dorms and I've completed almost a full semester of my Sophomore year in college! I couldn't ask for anything to have gone any differently this far in the school year.
If I had to summarize this year so far up to this point in one word, it would definately be BLESSINGS. God has filled my life with people and events that lead me to believe that God is doing, and will do, amazing things in my life.
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord; plans not to harm you but to prosper your, plans to give you a hope and a future."
This verse is one that has really stood true for me this year and I can see the Lord's hands working in my life.
Posted by alleigh at 10:38 AM 1 comments